Thursday, June 14, 2012

Maybe Four

One week ago today, my husband and I had a hot date to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary two days late. As it were, Tuesdays have much less potential for romance when you have a toddler.

Neither of us could remember the last time we lined up a babysitter to go out, just us. We were able to count, though: exactly three dates, kid-free, since arriving in the UK a year ago. Ouch.

What we'll probably remember about that anniversary date? Me sharing the news of the morning's positive pregnancy test. Growing our family seemed like an urgent thing to do after a particularly harrowing day at the office. His office, I mean. It's an airplane. A harrowing day at my office, a.k.a. our home, would have the opposite effect.

This all happened prior to the 18-month sleep regression, which I've been experiencing for a couple of weeks but have only just now learned about. Today I had the thought, "if I were a wild animal, I would have eaten my toddler by now." Then I panicked at the thought of trying to manage my current child with this other child that seems to be on the way. Thank goodness for the Internet and the wonderful mom who sent forth a beacon of hope in the form of this link.

Here I am, wanting to talk about/freak out about/do cartwheels over this new pregnancy. But our first go at the "baby" thing ended quickly with an early miscarriage, so I'm in this "believe it when I start craving kids' cereals and peach pie with Little Caesar's Crazy Bread" kind of mode right now. What that means? We haven't told anyone yet. Except you, stranger.

Want to stick around? There's a lot I'm not prepared for, and I intend to fix that (at least a little) here each week.
I have no idea how one is supposed to pee with two kids in tow. I'm terrified that my sweet, charming toddler is going to turn all glum and moody once we bring home another kid. And I'm far from convinced that I'll be the kind of mom to safely endure two screaming kids and a broken down car on our way to buy a plunger in a hail storm while my husband is deployed.

I'd love for you to share this journey with me! Er, us.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn,
    I laughed out loud at your comment about two kids and a broken down car. That was me tonight. Literally, two kids and a broken down car. It did work out. It will work out. You can travel, have fun, craft, and see LOVE between your two. Have fun.
