Sunday, September 23, 2012

20 Weeks: Half Way There!

First things first: We have settled into English time, seem to be overcoming a new biting phase, and have been breakdown-free for several days now. Phew. I celebrated by buying some new maternity clothes, because I'm just not going to make it on one pair of jeans and no dryer.

So. I guess this is the half-way point? Yeeeikes! I only have 20 more weeks to share with First, just the two of us, before Second arrives? Four months? And not just four months, but four months of birthdays and holidays and music class and nursery school and yoga and...


I feel myself being hurtled toward The End of Life As I Know It. I have just finally started to feel settled, as a stay-at-home mom, living in England, parenting one delightful child. Deep down, though, I'm looking forward to having another tiny person to dote on. They grow too fast! And I look forward to the happy din of a house shared with kids (plural).

The urge to know if there's a boy or girl on the way is getting strong. Will there be a little brother or a little sister to plan for? Because, HELLO!, I need to start planning. My instinct keeps saying Girl despite my dream that there's a boy in there. As it were, the matter should be sorted out next week at the scan.

I keep running into other blogs' "bumpdates" (like this one and this one) and wondered out loud to no one if maybe I should do these, too? At least, every so often? In which case, My First Bumpdate:

Baby's Size: At 20 weeks, 'Lil is the length of a banana. Or, a "nananana," as we say in this house.
Cravings: Ceased! Or, I kind of just want to eat healthfully all the time.
Aversions: None.
Movement: Yes, kind of a tickly, rolling, popping feeling, especially after eating and about the time I'm trying to sleep.
What I Miss: Super-sweaty muscle-burning heart-pounding exercise (that isn't just walking up the stairs with a toddler in my arms), energy to stay awake through nap time, lots of coffee and red wine.
What I Most Look Forward To: The first time First gives Second a kiss with that sweet little adorable mouth of his. And that time in several years when I get a good night's sleep on a regular basis.


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